Crossing of Cheques


Crossing of Cheques:- 

Crossing means putting two parallel transverse lines across the face of a cheque, It is an instruction to the paying banker to pay the amount of cheque through a banker only and not to the person presenting it at the counter of bank. In other words crossed cheque can paid through banker only. Crossing can be done by drawer, banker or holder. A general crossing can be converted into a special crossing. 

Crossing of cheque is of 2 types –

1.General Crossing – 

It is a cheque which bears across its face two parallel transverse lines without any words as (‘and company’ ‘or & Co.’) written in between these two lines.

 2. Special Crossing – 

It is a cheque in which the name of the bank is written between the two parallel lines and hence it can be paid to that specific banker only.
